Free Reports
Motivating students to actively participate in class is a challenge even for the most experienced educators. The words “excruciating,” “agonizing,” and “mentally draining” likely come to mind. A lot of students seem to assume that as long as the assigned work is completed on time, test scores are good, and attendance is satisfactory, they shouldn’t be forced to participate.
If you’re looking for proven strategies to help stimulate more active learning, you’ll want to download this FREE special report Tips for Encouraging Student Participation in Course Discussions.
This special report is free when you sign-up for Faculty Focus, a free online resource filled with effective teaching strategies written by faculty members just like you.
This special report features nine articles that highlight effective strategies and tricks for establishing the expectation of participation, facilitating meaningful discussion, using questions appropriately, and creating a supportive learning environment:
- The Relationship Between Participation and Discussion
- Roll the Dice and Students Participate
- Online Discussion Strategies that Create Community
- Assessing Class Participation: One Useful Strategy
- To Call On or Not to Call On: That Continues to Be the Question
- What Research Tells Us About Online Discussion
- Creating a Class Participation Rubric
- Turning Participation Grades Into Self-Directed Learning Opportunities
- Participation Blues from the Student Perspective