Encouraging Mental Wellness with a Signature Line
Recently, the Surgeon General called for college campuses to “ramp-up” support as students experience more stress and drop out rates increase at colleges (Adedoyin, 2022).
Recently, the Surgeon General called for college campuses to “ramp-up” support as students experience more stress and drop out rates increase at colleges (Adedoyin, 2022).
It was soon after my son enrolled in a local junior college that I realized something was wrong. Success, which seemed to come so easy to him in high school, was suddenly out of reach. In fact, he was failing every course! I quickly learned that in high school he did not have to exert any effort and was taught to simply memorize material.
For many college instructors, getting students to read their textbooks is a continuous struggle. Not only are students unmotivated to read, but even when students do read they often lack the necessary skills to fully comprehend the material. As a result, instructors may subtly or unwittingly communicate that reading the textbook is not necessary in order to pass a course. This communication can take the form of providing students with elaborate study guides or notes that summarize the reading or include all the answers to upcoming tests or quizzes.
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