Many, if not most, college students work part- or full-time jobs while going to school. They often find it difficult to be at a specific place at a specific time for a certain number of times each week to attend their courses, and as a result often miss classes. Online instruction is an alternative that offers anytime and anywhere learning, but some students still prefer the face-to-face learning environment. The following resource guide offers considerations and techniques for deciding your course delivery, and how you can implement teaching delivery methods that incorporate face-to-face, online, and HyFlex teaching.
Recently, the HyFlex teaching model has drawn considerable attention as an alternative to the online, face-to-face, and hybrid teaching models. A HyFlex course is offered both face-to-face and online at once. But instead of dividing course activities between the two modes, as a hybrid course does, a HyFlex course offers all the activities in both modes and allows students to choose which mode they would like to use. Students can even go back and forth between modes during the course.
Get ready to dive into different delivery methods that engage students and increase motivation, and find out how you can choose the delivery format that is best suited for your course.

Face-to-Face Course Delivery
How you deliver a face-to-face course determines a plethora of things; how engaged your students are, how much content your students are absorbing, the tone of your teaching, the accessibility of your course, and more. As an instructor, face-to-face teaching can require you to become creative in how you challenge and engage your students so they feel motivated to learn. As many instructors begin to incorporate a hyflex teaching approach, one that incorporates both face-to-face and online learning, there are numerous strategies to consider when considering course delivery, specifically for face-to-face education.
Free articles
- Engagement to Autonomy: Four Strategies for Face-to-Face or Online Learning
- Online vs. Face-to-Face Throwdown: Good Teaching Transcends Course Format
- How Teaching Online Made Me a Better Face-to-Face Instructor
- Blended Learning: Integrating Online and Face-to-Face Courses
- Course Redesign Finds Right Balance of Content Delivery and Active Learning
Teaching Professor articles (requires paid subscription)
- How Teaching Online Can Improve Your Face-to-Face Classes
- Online Forum Posts Improve Discussion in a Face-to-Face
- Online Discussion Protocols for Better Student Engagement
- HyFlex Teaching: An Overview
- Time on Task: Tackling a Vague Standard
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Each 20-Minute Mentor is $19 for individual, one-week access and each summer enrichment course is $199.

Online Course Delivery
How can you create a flexible teaching model that meets your expectations, and guides and supports your students? When it comes to online course delivery there are numerous features to consider, such as content delivery, collaborative, active learning, synchronous and asynchronous experiences, online discussions, and a strong social presence. This resource guide dives into each of these elements and offers multimedia resources, applications, and programs you can use to make online course delivery easier. Your transition and implementation of an online or HyFlex teaching model will be a seamless pivot from face-to-face learning.
Free Articles
- Teaching with Unknowns: Finding Meaning in Your Online Course Delivery
- Moving a Face-to-Face Course Online without Losing Student Engagement
- A Flexible Teaching Model: A Seamless Pivot from Face-to-Face to Online Learning
- Practical Advice for Going from Face to Face to Online Teaching
- From F2F to Online: Getting It Right
- Translating On-Ground Courses into Effective Online
- 7 Assessment Challenges of Moving Your Course Online
- Redefining What’s Fair in Your Transition to Online
- Transforming Your Lectures into Online Videos
- Part 1: Five Online Discussion Ideas to Apply Learning
- Part 2: Four Online Discussion Ideas to Explore Concepts Through Divergent Thinking
- Part 3: Seven Online Discussion Ideas to Explore Concepts through Convergent Thinking
- Part 4: Five Online Discussion Ideas to Foster Metacognition
- Part 5: Online Discussion Ideas – Multimedia and Resources
Free Report
Teaching Professor articles (requires paid subscription)
- HyFlex Teaching: An Overview
- Solutions to Online Discussion Problems
- Exploring the Dimensions of Online Discussion
- Would a Hybrid Be More Efficient? Analysis of Class Grades: A Traditional Format vs. One With an Online Component
- Looking for Learning in the Transition to Online Courses
- The HyFlex Approach to Blended Learning